Practice Tip 19: Relax but Have Good Posture
We actually have three paintings/prints/cards that represent this idea. While you need to hold your body - neck, shoulders, hands, wrists, hands, fingers and even feet properly, it is very important to relax while playing an instrument. It helps you get a better sound and also you can develop health problems if you don’t get into the proper habits. Especially with the physically demanding violin.
Some people do yoga to help with this. Symphony flutist, Jill Bartine, who goes by the name “Flutist Yogini” has a great on-line Yoga classes for a very reasonable rate. You can message her to ask her to give you a coupon code for a free week trial. Violinist Mr. Joseph Arnold in Philadelphia teaches relaxation techniques with the Alexander Technique.
So many musicians suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, lumbago, or generalized lower back pain. Learning yoga can help with preventing these through an increase in focus, strength, and calm. I have read (but not thoroughly researched the validity) that yoga helps the creative process and concentration.
Here are our paintings representing these ideas. Click on the pictures to purchase as cards or prints. Inquire for purchase of originals.