Music Teacher Gifts

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Banjo Gifts - We have a few Gifts for Banjo Players

In Our Neck of the Woods, We Are Often Asked for Banjo Gifts

We are always asked for Gifts for Banjo Players (and their spouses). Our  Banjo Gifts  tend to be Banjo gifts gifts for music lovers, gifts for Banjo Playerson the whimsical side. We were first asked for a small banjo bag for the player "to keep my stash". Hmm. By the time we made it the player moved, but I wore it into church one day. I was a little on the late side, and one person turned their head and looked at me, then more and more people turned their heads. Folks love them when we sell at festivals. We would love to create a large Banjo bag, but someone has to be willing to pay for an initial special order for me to spend the week it takes to design and make prototypes. Banjo Gifts, Gifts for Music Lovers, Gifts for HimOne thing about our banjo Bags - they make everyone smile.

Meanwhile enjoy some of our other whimsical banjo items made on a lathe by a friend of mine. The Wooden Banjo Ornament comes in a set with a Guitar and a Mandolin. However, if you email us we can give you 3 Banjos instead. We also have a Banjo Earings and Tie Tack. These are lathed from plastic, and painted gold. ===========================================================================================

Banjo Gifts, Gifts for Him, Gifts for Music Lovers Banjo Gifts, gifts for Music Lovers, Gifts for Him Banjo Gifts, Gifts for Him, Gifts for Music LoversPlease Follow us by email to keep up with new products including Gifts for Banjo Players, music competitions and other news. Guitar Purse, Gifts for Music Lovers