Flyer for Public School Music Fundraiser
Music Fundraiser for Public Schools
Contact Our Knoxville Music Fundraiser information is below. Note that Oak Ridge and Maryville Schools are welcome to participate. Represent your own school with your purchases, or pick a "buddy"school. Teachers are welcome to email us at for wish list requests that you might want purchased for your class. I suppose private music teachers can do this too! Let your students know. Jewelry (some music-themed) made by Becky especially for the fundraiser will also be available. See sample photo on our ==>>> facebook event page <<<==. Open first post to see jewelry sampling.
Music FUNDRAISER for Knox County School Music Department
Music Fundraiser, violin lessons, gift ideas for music lovers
• Come on out to purchase fun greeting cards, matted prints or posters.• 50% of profit will go to each Knox County School Music Dept. (Schools that are well off are encouraged to choose a “buddy school” to represent).Non-specified and Corporate donations will be given to the Knox Co. Music Department Admin. to use where most needed. At this time, $1,000 has been donated. If everyone purchases just one card for $2.50, we can raise money. Violettes by Becky creates witty whimsical music-themed cards and prints great for music teacher’s walls, dorm, music or children’s rooms. Purchase early Holiday gifts. Hand written greetings are a lost art! Finally a GULTEN-FREE school fundraiser with NO Calories!!! Except for the FREE DONUTS! Many of the prints are based on serious and humorous music practice tips for instruments, voice, playing in a band or orchestra… Others are just fun prints. Over 100 designs to choose from. Random drawings of art supply give-aways donated by Office Depot. Free Krispy Crème donuts for buyers at each location while they last.
Three SATURDAY dates and locations to choose from:
1. Sat. Aug. 12, 9AM to Noon, Farragut Farmers Market, 12740 Kingston Pike2. Sat. Aug. 19, Noon to 5PM at Knoxville Soap, Candle & Gifts - 5201 Kingston Pike (Bearden)3. Sat. Aug. 26 Downtown, 9AM to 5PM, 17 Market Square - Entrepreneur Center (near Tupelo Honey across from Tomato Head).
Teachers wish lists available at event locations.· (aka Violettes by Becky) will donate 20% of other sales - jewelry, purses, T-shirts…View complete set of designs available for purchase at in the “other music gifts/note card” section. Large prints of any of the designs are available. Rain alternative announced on Violettes by blog if necessary. Request a copy of event flyer to be emailed to you , write