Music and the Brain Or How did Trump Get In?
What Does Music & the Brain Have to Do With it?
What has music and the brain have to do with it? Music helps the brain in so many ways for all ages. So if you are playing music, we hope you are intelligent, and don't need to be told to not vote for Trump.Violettes by Becky, selling Gifts for Music Lovers like our Hand painted by Becky Peace Sign "Woodstock" Guitar Purse, has a rare plea for politics. Please send me answers entered at the bottom of this page.How can Trump be taken seriously by anyone? Is it only the uneducated? Do people not understand that much of his "facts" are fabricated? Do they not see that he is a hate monger? Do they not understand his parallels to Hitler?I don't know where I have been, but I am now introduced to comedian John Oliver. Check his fact full "acts" on Trump. You can find it on You tube. While you're at it, check out his acts with facts and humor about the Refugee situation and about the Refugee vetting Process...This is the message Sierra Club is sending out about Trump: "A man so arrogant he claims he would have skipped the Paris climate summit... so unwilling to be contradicted he insists climate change science is a hoax... so bigoted he says he can't 'Unequivocally Condemn' the KKK's David Duke... could be our next president."With that in mind, have you listened to the most recent Al Gore Ted Talk about climate changes? This is worth a look. It is a critical issue for the world right now, and Trump...
On this NOTE (says Violettes by Becky, who sells an amazing personally designed Violin Purse and gig bag), the refugee crisis is nothing now, compared to how it will be with "climate refugees" by 2050. From a National Geographic article, scientists predict the number will rise to at least 50 million by 2050. Some say it could be as high as 200 million. This will result from parts of our planet that become uninhabitable. "Climate Refugees". Yes, people from the middle east will flood the US, and ... Probably so many, that we won'y be able to control them by laws and walls.Get responsible people! Do not vote for Trump!!!Just so you know, we can paint anything you like on a guitar purse. Send us photos of your pet if you like. Check our our animal theme Guitar Purse selection.