Opportunity to Support Inner City School of the Arts

Please Read: Gift for Inner City School of the Arts

Dear Folks,Violettes by Becky holds an Annual Youth Composition Competition. "Inner city" students can enter at no cost. This year 3 schools (from New York, Philadelphia and Oakland, CA) have involved students, or rather 3 phenomenal teachers. These students don't compete with the other entries. So, Violettes by Becky arranges for additional prizes. Asking the teacher who entered 26 students with "Garage Band" computer compositions what he needs for his classroom, he is in need of a $210 voice recorder (actually, he would like 2 of them). Violettes tried to bid for one on ebay, but it quickly went to $149 (above our price range). Violettes by Becky is able to give $50 towards this for the classroom for the Oakland, CA school, Roots International. Can anyone donate to this cause? Thanks so much for your help.Sincerely, BeckyEmail me at ViolettesbyBecky@gmail.com to Pledge (with Pledge in subject line.)

If you are interested in helping another school of the arts, or know of one that might want to participate next year, please contact us.

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