Music Lessons Near Me
Music Lessons blogs to come. My new blogs will usually review one of the music lessons that go with both my children’s book and music art prints and note cards.
Becky at the Easel
Topics Becky paints have expanded in all directions from requests. Nashville style nursery rhymes are in my brain since I live in Tennessee.
Educational Art
Educational Place mats include lemurs, butterflies, many Smoky Mountain subjects. Will create place mats for your educational programs. Educational science, reading and music Note cards are best teacher gifts.
Best Elementary School Teacher Gifts
Educational Note Cards for Reading Teacher Gifts. Color the First card and write a note to the teacher in it! The caption on the back says “You Color My World”.
Relationships, Relationships…
Note cards can get you places in the world. It feels so great in this day and age to get a handwritten personal note. I, myself have seen it help get a young lady’s promotion.
Music Academy
Are your kids learning an instrument? Do you need a guide to empower them to practice? Becky has written a children’s book with practice tips. How do you encourage them to practice? How should they practice? Becky will send them practice tips once a week for three months when you enroll here.